Superman tells Spiderman "Man I'm so horny I could die!"   
        Superman and Wonder Woman

Superman and Spiderman were sitting in a bar talking.  Superman says,
"Man I'm so horny I could die!  I haven't been laid in months!"  And
Spiderman says, "Hey, I was just crawling by Wonder Woman's apartment,
glanced in her window, and saw her lying naked on her bed.  She looked
like she was thinking real hard and really enjoying what she was
thinking about.  With your speed, you could pounce on her and be done
before she knows what hit her."

Superman thinks this over and decides to check out the situation.  He
flies over to Wonder Woman's peeks, in her window and there she is in
all her glory - and pre-occupied to boot.  He takes a deep breath, flies
in, does his business and flies out in about a second and a half.

"Jesus Chist!  What the Hell was that?" says Wonder Woman.  "I don't
know," says the Invisible Man, but my ass really hurts!"
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