The wife asks her husband: "Honey, if I died, would you remarry   

The wife asks her husband:  "Honey, if I died, would you remarry?" 

Husband replies:  "After a long period of mourning, I would consider marrying again.
You wouldn't want me to be lonely the rest of my life, would you?" 

The wife then asks, "well, if you remarried, would she live in my house?"  
The husband says:  "We have spent so much time and effort on our 
beautiful home, I would expect to continue to live here after you are 
gone if I remarry."  

The wife then asks"  "well, if you remarry, would she sleep in our bed."  
The husband's response:  "Dear, this is a new bed.  We just paid $2,000 for it.  
It should last for many years.  So, yes, she would sleep in the bed."  

The wife inquires further:  "If you remarry, would she use my golf clubs."  
Husband replies: "Of course not dear, she's left handed."

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