The farmers decided to get their pigs together to breed the next litters   
        Seven pigs

Two farmers had been friends a long time. They always raised hogs as a
side line. It happened one year that one had seven boars, the other
seven sows.

They decided to get them together to breed the next litters. One farmers
truck was broken, so the other said: " I'll bring them over in my
station wagon."  It took some work to get them loaded, but they all
arrived safe. 

They were put in the same pen to run together. The one
farmer said: " Now how will I know if they're  pregnant?" The other
said: " If they wallow in the mud tomorrow, bring them back again. If
they eat grass, they're expecting." 

They ran all day, got corralled, loaded and driven home. 
The next morning, the farmer looked out and they all were wallowing. 
" Daggone it!" He said. Now "I've got this to do all over again!" 

So he gathered them up, loaded them in the wagon, hauled
them to his friend's and let them run together all day. By the time he
got them home, he was worn out. The next 4 days the same thing happened
again and again.

The seventh day, he was all in. He asked his wife: " Can you look
out and see if the pigs are wallowing or eating grass?" 
She looked and said: " No, honey they aren't doing either."  
He said: " What are they doing?" 
She said: " They are all in the wagon, and one of 'em's tootin'the horn!
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