The new guy and the old-timer salesman were sitting in the dining car   
                 Telling Jokes

The new traveling salesman was hitting the road with the old-timer.
After boarding the train (this story takes place back in the mid-20th century,
when people still traveled by trains) the pair decide to visit the dining
car for lunch.  

As they walk to their seats the old-timer greets half of the clientele,
introducing the new guy to the regulars. They take their seats, order, and wait for 
the food.

All of a sudden, a voice from the back of the car yells out
"39". This brings forth a smattering of laughs and chortles.  A few minutes
later, someone else loudly declares "52".  This time, the car fills with 
uproarious laughs.

The new guy, in some confusion, leans over and whispers to the old-timer
"What is with these numbers and the laughter".

The old-timer responds with "Oh, we've been travelling together a long time,
and we know everyone's jokes. So, to save time, when someone wants to tell a joke,
they just refer to it by number."

The new guy shakes his head in acknowledgement, and sits back in his seat.
A few minutes later he decides to try to make a good first impression on his
new compatriots, so he loudly announces "17".

The room falls silent, with conversation starting up after a painful several second

The new guy is perplexed, and embarrased. Leaning over to the old-timer, he asks 
"What happened, I thought everyone had all the jokes down by number".

To which the old-timer responds "Yes, but your delivery really needs some work."

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