So this Redneck stops by his friend's house whose wife has recently
had a baby. He is shocked to see his friend outside standing over a big
bucket of soapy water washing out diapers.
"Damn, Bubba," he exclaims, "what the hell are you doing?"
"Hey Billy Bob," his friend replies, "I'm trying to help out the misses a
little with the baby. You know, just being a 90's type of guy."
"That's fine, I guess man," the Redneck continues, " but haven't you
ever heard of disposable diapers?"
About two weeks later the Redneck visits his friend again and sees
his kid wrapped in a disposable diaper that's so full it's dragging on
the floor.
"Hey Bubba," he says, "don't you think its time to change that diaper?"
"Oh nah!, the carton said they were good for 20 to 30 pounds so that
one should hold another 10."