Tony Blair, Bill Clinton and the Pope are on a plane   
                Clinton's Plane Is About To Crash

Tony Blair, Bill Clinton and the Pope are on a plane with their secretaries
coming  back  from  a  big  important international meeting, when the pilot
comes  running out shouting "The plane's going down and nothing I can do is
going to save her", and with that he grabs a parachute and jumps out.

In  a  flash the Pope's attending nun explains, "His holiness is the leader
of  the  Roman  Catholic  faith and God's representative on Earth, it is my
divine duty to ensure his survival." With that she grabs a parachute, hands
another to his Holiness and they both jump out the plane.

Bill  goes  over  to the parachute locker and finds that there are only two
chutes  left. So Bill turns to Tony and says "What are we going to do? I am
the  leader  of the free World and you have to think about Britain, someone
has to keep Britannia Cool. But everyone knows that it's women and children

Tony turns back to the president, says, "You know what I think? - screw the
secretaries" and hands him a chute.

Bill turns with a glimmer in his eyes and exclaims: "Do you think we've got


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